Minions is an animated film released in 2015 directed by Kyle Balda and Pierre Coffin. The minions are small, yellow henchmen shaped like pill capsules who wear blue overalls emblazoned with Gru's logo. These little creatures have one or two eyes and a few wispy strands of black hair on their heads.They also appear in the Despicable Me franchise (3 movies).Color (in yellow) these Coloring pages inspired by The Minions.
This family-friendly series features free music and a movie on three Friday nights during the summer in downtown Golden's Parfet Park. Music begins at 7 p.m. and movies start at dusk, around 8:30 p.m.
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Join the film buffs at Avanti F and B every Thursday during the summer! Watch the movie from the patio and stadium seats, or bring your own lawn chair and enjoy from the park. The first 20 people to bring their own lawn chair get a free beer from New Belgium Brewing Company! Movies start at 9 p.m., but come early for movie-themed drink specials, trivia, music and more.
After a day of fun at Elitch Gardens Theme & Water Park, unwind with a "dive-in" movie at Island Kingdom Water Park. Movies begin around 7:30 p.m. and are free with any park admission or season pass.